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It had been said that: “Mom and Pop are the wheels that moves a country economy”. For each one of us this is a well-known reality.
If you have a business and need insurance consult with us.
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It had been said “While big companies employ many workers, small business employ 70% of the work force in the United States”. While big companies have a set schedule of working hours, in most cases from nine-to five”. That does not apply for small business. It needs to be opened early, to when it finished regardless how late. Moms and Pops business know every customer, they call them by name. They know about their children and what they do. Small business supports others the local businesses and are the main contributors to the local economy. EZ Vision Brokerage supports and had been supported by the local businesses. “We are each other’s partners”. State Ubaldo Santos Past president of BJT Bronx Merchant Association.
There are many reasons why a restaurant is patronized. “The food is great” someone says. “Take your family to Best Food Restaurant, the food is great, and they have excellent service” a neighbor says when ask. Those are common expressions and recommendations people make to or about restaurant or business. Everyone wants to have a great time and a friendly atmosphere when you take your family out expecting to enjoy it.

“That supermarket was renovated recently it looks very nice. They always have good and fresh products. It is a good practice to take care of the business as well as to invest in the neighborhood. It means they care of it also the owners are confidents that customers will continue to support them”. It was a comment made in a local business meeting.

It seems that a new generation it is taking over the pharmacies’ business. More often we see a new pharmacy being open today. But they continue to have the same mission of servicing the young and the old. The pharmacy provides the medical remedy for a persistent headache as to fill the prescriptions of the daily medication needed by grandma’s medical condition.

A young college student had decided to move out of college campus to share the rent with another student. Having consulted with her parent about moving of the dorm to share an apartment not far from school. Three later weeks she calls the parents that a leak had damaged most her things including the couch they bought her this semester. Ann there is not Renters Insurance policy? No Dad. “We will see you this weekend, love you”. Renters insurance is a must policy to have when you are renting a home or an apartment. It is not a high price insurance police, but it goes far if you need it.

Many people are opting to go on their own. “I want to be independent”. Says a contractor. Construction, remodeling homes and apartments are not different. But before “I contract you, we need to have a written contract, and you need to provide me, the management office with the proper insurance policy, including Workers’ compensation, if applicable. Bring these documents, we will check them. If everything is in place you have the job”. Common occurrences these days. No one want to risk having someone working in your home/building without the proper coverage for everyone.

“Our babysitter is someone that we trust very much since our two children were both infant. It is convenient for us because it is three houses from us. I go to pick up the children since I get there earlier than my husband. Both of our children ages three and five love the babysitter. It gives me such a tranquil mind to know they are safe”. State the mother of two.

“It is a new owner remodeling the old Bakery. Hopely it will bring a new line of healthy products. We need to combat obesity in the young and old population. I am planning to make that suggestion to the new owner’s lady. She seems to be very friendly person”. Observe a neighbor in the same block.

“I went and had a haircut at Family’s Barbershop, and I was very much impressed. The owner introduced himself to me and thanked me for using their service. They live up to their name family’s barbershop, there were a couple children having haircuts. It is clean and the atmosphere was nice. I was impressed”. Commented a parent with his child to friend.